eDO Activity cards pile

Activity Cards

Activity Cards

Activity Cards provide didactic material to assist students and teachers during educational experiences conducted with the e.DO robot and e.DO Cube.

They include a summary of relevant theory, practical exercises and learning tests, brought together in a booklet and arranged in three different work sections:

✓ Theoretical notes and Exercise with e.DO

✓ Learning goals, Setting and Exercise solution

✓ Test

Comau has developed over 300 Cards, each dedicated to the basic and in-depth study of a specific theme in the fields of mathematics, physics, technology, robotics and coding.

Activity Cards for all available subjects and topics are classified by learning level: basic, intermediate and advanced.

Activity Cards can be used to support learning experiences conducted with at least one real e.DO robot and/or one e.DO Cube.*

*Option not yet available for all 300 Cards.

Activity Cards for all available subjects and topics are classified by learning level: basic, intermediate and advanced.

Quick and easy tools to use

Each Card contains 1 hour of lesson designed to improve the understanding of one specific topic, plus exercises to use the knowledge acquired and tests to verify the final learning outcome.

Encourage more flexible and versatile teaching

They can be selected on the basis of subject, topic and learning level, and allow teachers to “build” their own course autonomously.